David Jarrett
Areas of expertise and interest are described below, but this page is not exhaustive. If you have a project which doesn't fit with these descriptions, do still feel free to get in touch to discuss at jarrett.ecology@gmail.com
Survey design
The design of appropriate survey methodology for the long-term monitoring of bird populations. Can carry out surveys or train volunteers or estate staff to do so. Suited to estates interested in long-term population trends in response to habitat or land management change. Trend and population density data produced using robust statistical methods.
Collaboration and knowledge sharing
Working collaboratively with volunteers, gamekeepers, farmers and the conservation sector, particularly in areas of conservation conflict. Experience designing and leading training workshops on bird survey methods, bird identification, and nest finding and monitoring.
See reports on previous successful collaborative projects in the Cairngorms National Park, and in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. The approaches used in these successful projects are being adopted elsewhere through collaborative initiatives such as Working for Waders.
Upland ecology
Contributing to estate management plans, advice on habitat management, work with GIS datasets. Realistic understanding of the conservation trade-offs involved in finding a balance between woodland species, scrub species and open ground species in upland landscapes.
Wader conservation
In depth knowledge of wader breeding ecology in northern Europe. A pragmatic understanding of the causes of decline and the effectiveness of management interventions like habitat management and predator control.
Nest finding and nest monitoring with cameras and data loggers, particularly for Eurasian Curlew, but also other common wader species.
Robust understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of different monitoring methods. Currently working on using acoustic recorders to monitor Curlew breeding productivity, described in more details here.